
Guitar center akai force
Guitar center akai force

guitar center akai force

Two other YT channels I've been watching to get familiar with MPC/Force are Pink Buddha Academy ( ) and Ave Mcree ( ). I think it's rumored that even the new MPC Keys will be using the same CPU and software architecture when it's released as well. And the fact that they are sticking with the same computing architecture even on newer devices makes me think they intend to keep building on the existing platform for a while to come. It makes reading reviews and tutorials about the Force a little hard because the product really has significantly changed since release. I'm definitely impressed with what Akai has added with the FW updates over the years as well. It's definitely overkill for what I'm doing, but I actually think I can almost break even on it with the gear that it'll be replacing which is nice. The used prices on the Force seemed like a good deal right now so I figured I'd snag one and check it out for a while. I like them for sequencing drums, but I really need to use a computer to do any chopping - and I try to minimize the use of a computer for my music stuff (I do that for work all day.this is my fun time). Currently my only sampler playing devices are the Circuit and a Volca Sample. I'm interested in messing around with trying to chop samples. A friend of mine does some impressive stuff with it though, so I'm sure it's me and not the hardware.

guitar center akai force

I never really clicked with the Circuit workflow though.

guitar center akai force

I picked up a Novation Circuit at the start of the pandemic to poke around with electronic music as I really liked the idea of an all-in-one groovebox. It should actually work just fine all by itself for a good bit of my needs. They can fill a lot of roles now and actually simplify my (just for fun) coffee-table synth rig down quite a bit. After the latest FW update to the Akai MPC/Force devices that added support for USB class compliant audio interfaces, I started looking into them.

Guitar center akai force