
Star wars jedi: survivor planets
Star wars jedi: survivor planets

This frog is a definition of spaghetti code. I wont lie that the Spawn of Ogdo fight was probably the most broken fight I ever had in any TrippleA Action RPG game. People who played on easy or medium settings have completely different experience than the ones who experienced it on Grand Master for example. To me this game perfectly illustrates why Difficulty settings in Action-based RPGs are always massive hit or miss. There is the perk system, but it didn't change anything for me in the actual game. What's the point of this world if the only thing i get are mostly cosmetics or extra exp.

star wars jedi: survivor planets

and this is kind of the point if you are about to make an semi Open World Game. In all of them you can find an actual equipment or skills that can drastically change the way you play the game. It's nothing like Zelda or Souls-Games or even God of War. Red glowing attacks will always one shot you and you don't do more dmg because you explored stuff or gain levels. On highest difficulty settings it doesnt matter if have skill points unlocked or not. The biggest problem for me is that there is literally 0 reason to explore. Nothing wrong with cannonically, Imperium will not change it's style of construction but yeah it is very monotone. To be fair it feels like it's either this or Imeprial Infrastructure which is basically the same assets as every other Imperial Infrastructure. Would have helped the diversity.īut overall - the game rocks and I just hope they let me finish my bounties so I can wrap up by 100% run and move on to NG+. Jedha frankly could have been a much smaller map and in lieu of its size they could have given another more linear world. Koboh constantly begs you to go back out and hit side content, Jedha not so much. Personally I'd have just liked to see Jedha be a little more engaging and less - major bland desert + 2 linear segments you don't really have a reason to ever return to. But on the flip side, Koboh is a hell of a map with tons of variation, and I can see why they took this approach to make the player constantly come back to Pyloon's Saloon to get the benefit of that mini-aspect of world building.

star wars jedi: survivor planets

I was personally a bit let down with Jedha, and also the fact that the story seemed to just gravitate back to Koboh. Surivor was in almost every way a major improvement to FO. It is funny as it seems like 5 weeks in people are starting to enter the - gripe because I'm sad my initial playthrough is over - phase.

Star wars jedi: survivor planets